Kerala PSC English Grammar Questions and Answers 7

This page contains Kerala PSC English Grammar Questions and Answers 7 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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121. Albert Einstein was ___ famous scientist.
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. None of the above

Answer: a

122. Children......... afraid of snakes

Answer: are

123. How long you ____________ here ?

Answer: you been waiting

124. You gained an advantage ____ me.

Answer: over

125. She remained a .......all her life.

Answer: Spinster

126. If you ask ______, I will give it to you.

Answer: nicely

127. In hot weather we sit under the .....of a tree.

Answer: .shade

128. ......the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.

Answer: though

129. Supply the missing word. The earth __________ round the Sun.

Answer: moves

130. ............. films are worth watching

Answer: a few

131. The Elephant, unlike tigers and lions, ---- not eat flesh

Answer: does

132. The President was specially happy to visit the school because it was his ----

Answer: alma mater

133. The older he got.......... he became

Answer: the happier

134. He is reconciled ----- my loss.

Answer: to

135. He felt remorse ..... his misdeeds

Answer: for

136. Age and experience ----- wisdom to man

Answer: brings

137. Choose the word which correctly spelt

Answer: Tsunami

138. If I had won the lottery, ........ a millionaire (conditional)

Answer: I would have become

139. This is the man________purse was lost in the bus.

Answer: whose

140. Teacher asked us why in the class.

Answer: we were talking

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