Kerala PSC English Grammar Questions and Answers 21

This page contains Kerala PSC English Grammar Questions and Answers 21 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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401. Which person is known as “Light of Asia" ??

Answer: Gautama Budha

402. He went home,-------------?

Answer: Didn’t he

403. He doesn’t like geography, ________?

Answer: does he

404. I looked ______ in the mirror

Answer: at myself

405. Pick out the passive form of ‘Sita has bought a pen’.

Answer: A pen has been bought by Sita

406. Fill in the blank with the correct tense form : “John and his friend _____ for ten minutes.”

Answer: have been gossiping

407. Killing of one’s own mother:

Answer: Matricide

408. Plural form of menu

Answer: menus

409. My mother usually cooks food in the morning , but today she ---- in the evening.

Answer: is cooking

410. One word substitute Surgical removal of stone from bladder

Answer: Lithotomy

411. He speaks as if he ..... a doctor

Answer: were

412. I proposed to Rani but she ...... the offer of marriage?

Answer: turned down

413. My friend stood ........ me during my difficult times

Answer: by

414. what is the one word for ‘talk big’

Answer: Boast

415. I want to meet the poet ____ has written this poem

Answer: who

416. ’Ewe’ is a female_______

Answer: Sheep

417. Find the correctly spelt word.

Answer: Millionaire

418. I want to meet the man, ______ has written this poem

Answer: who

419. There was no Means of conveyance there, so we _______ walk

Answer: had to

420. The opposite of 'vociferous' is
a. clamour
b. faint
c. rumpus
d. noisy

Answer: faint

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