Kerala PSC English Grammar Questions and Answers 10

This page contains Kerala PSC English Grammar Questions and Answers 10 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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181. Which of the following is the word opposite in meaning to the word 'amateur' ?

Answer: professional

182. Geetha suggested ____ to the cinema.

Answer: going

183. He ____ reply to your letter as soon as possible.

Answer: will

184. ……………. a lovely place?

Answer: Who

185. synoym of decease

Answer: dead

186. ‘Sumit is a very good painter’. In this sentence the word very is

Answer: adjective

187. Raju ______ (wait) for the bus for one hour before he hired a taxi

Answer: had been waiting

188. Choose the meaning of the idiom ‘Bone of Contention’.

Answer: subject of dispute or quarrel

189. Blood is ______ water.

Answer: thicker than

190. Choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the word ‘Brief’:

Answer: Short

191. The wrongly spelt word is -----

Answer: vacancy

192. I am ----- half of my salary every month to buy a house.

Answer: putting by

193. By next year I ..... English for 7 years

Answer: will have been studying

194. I ...... prefer coffee

Answer: usually

195. Find the other gender of `horse`

Answer: mare

196. I ____________ by a loud noise outside my house yesterday night.

Answer: was woken up

197. Shame em as well as Ranjith _____ going to the Library.

Answer: is

198. Choose the correct option for the following A Dark horse is

Answer: An evil character

199. Find the synonym of the word `manifest`

Answer: Display

200. A work published after a writer's death _______

Answer: Posthumous

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