Kerala PSC Question Bank in Malayalam 15

This page contains Kerala PSC Question Bank in Malayalam 15 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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281. The antonymn of “rare” is

Answer: frequent

282. Photosynthetic pigment?

Answer: Chlorophyll

283. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ മനുഷ്യാവകാശങ്ങളുടെ കാവൽക്കാരൻ

Answer: മനുഷ്യാവകാശ കമ്മീഷൻ

284. 19 22 ൽ അഖില കേരളാ അരയ മഹാസഭ സ്ഥാപിച്ചത്?

Answer: പണ്ഡിറ്റ് കറുപ്പൻ

285. Why do water pipes, in hilly areas, often burst on a cold, frosty night?

Answer: When water in the pipe freezes, it expands. So pipes break

286. First match of IPL-VI was played between which two teams?

Answer: Kolkata Knight Riders and Delhi Daredevils

287. How many meaningful words can he made with the letters ORUY by using each letter once?

Answer: Three

288. If dogs bark; then sparrows :

Answer: Twitter

289. Principles of Panchesheel were framed in: -

Answer: Bandung

290. When the boys reached the school, the bell ……………

Answer: rang

291. Which scheme was launched onApril-1, 1989 by merging National Rural Employment Program (NREP) & Rural Landless Employment Guarantee Programme (RLEGP)?

Answer: Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (JRY)

292. .ഓസോൺ പടലം തകരാനുള്ള കാരണം?

Answer: ക്ലോറോഫ്ളൂറോ കാർബൺ..

293. Which former Pakistani Cricketer has been recently honoured with Honorary Life Membership by the Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC)?

Answer: Misbah-ul-Haq

294. The Salt Sathyagraha took place in

Answer: 1930

295. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a sum of Rs. 4000 for 2 years at 5% p.a payable yearly is?

Answer: Rs.10

296. Raju ranked 16th from the top and 29th from the bottom among those who passed an examination. 6 boys did not participate in the competition and five failed in it. How many boys were there ?

Answer: 55

297. The man jumped _____ the pond

Answer: into

298. That was the .........question in the paper

Answer: most difficult

299. ഐ എസ് ആർ ഒ സ്ഥാപിതമായ വർഷം

Answer: 1969

300. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ആദ്യ ഇരുമ്പുരുക്ക് ഗനി

Answer: കുൾട്ടി

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