Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 19

This page contains Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 19 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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361. कम्पयूटर में विण्डों एक प्रकार है–

Answer: सॉफ्टवेयर का

362. ओरेकल (Oracle) है–

Answer: डाटाबेस सॉफ्टवेयर

363. मूल निवेश-निर्गम प्रणाली (Basic Input Output System) कम्प्यूटर में विद्यमान रहती है–

Answer: यादृच्छिक अभिगम स्मृति में

364. Apple Macintoshes (Macs) and PCs use different ………………… process data and different operating systems.

Answer: methods

365. The metal or plastic case that: holds all the physical parts of the computer is the–

Answer: system unit

366. The contents of …………………..are lost when the computer turns off.

Answer: memory

367. Which of the following is not as language for computer programming–

Answer: Windows

368. The degree of detail that should be incorporated into a database depends on what?

Answer: The type of database

369. The …………………..enables you to simultaneously keep multiple Web pages open in one browser window.

Answer: tab row

370. What is the relation between Craig Silverstain and Google?

Answer: He is the first employee of Google

371. Who is the author of the book “Go kiss the world”?

Answer: Subrato Bagchi

372. ആകാശ് 2 പ്രകാശനം ചെയ്തത് ?

Answer: പ്രണബ് മുഖർജി

373. The device which is used with a touchscreen to provide more precision?

Answer: Stylus

374. The first electronic computer was developed by?

Answer: J.V. Attansoff

375. What is the extension of files created in Ms-Word 97- 2003?

Answer: Doc

376. The key which is not found in English Typewriter:

Answer: Dead key

377. The interface between computer and user?

Answer: Software

378. Who invented QWERTY type Keyboard?

Answer: Christopher Sholes

379. In a client/server computer network, the users computer is usually called?

Answer: Client

380. Top plate is also called:

Answer: Cowl or hood

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