Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 21

This page contains Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 21 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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401. What is the port number for HTTP?

Answer: 80

402. A packet whose destination is outside the local TCP/IP network segment is sent to the ____ .

Answer: Default gateway

403. Token Ring is a data link technology for ?

Answer: LAN

404. A process of collecting, organizing, storing and otherwise maintaining a complete historical record of programs and other documents used or prepared during the different phases of the system is called

Answer: Documentation

405. A file name cannot contain in MS–ward database file–

Answer: space

406. When you start MS-word, the opening document has the name as–
a. DOC 1
b. document 1
c. document
d. document 2

Answer: document 1

407. The………………….., also called the brain of the computer, is responsible for processing data.

Answer: motherboard

408. All computers execute–

Answer: machine language program

409. You can use the tab key to–

Answer: Only (A) and (B)

410. FTP stands for–

Answer: file transfer protocol

411. കമ്പ്യൂട്ടറിന്റെ മെയിൻ മെമ്മറി എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത് ?

Answer: പ്രൈമറി മെമ്മറി

412. Founder of Flipkart?

Answer: Sachin Bansal, Binny Bansal

413. .Which protocol does Ping use?

Answer: ICMP

414. HTML is an acronym for

Answer: Hyper Text Markup Language

415. Overlapping of letters at the locked right margin is called:

Answer: Piling

416. Which section of IT Act deals with punishment for sending offensive message through electronic means

Answer: Section 66 A

417. The Operation of a digital computer is based on the principle of?

Answer: Measuring

418. Which of the following computer language is used for artificial intelligence?

Answer: PROLOG

419. `Sleep` in computer`s refers to?

Answer: Shutdown the computer without terminating all th running applications

420. Which company has launched Tech Scholars Program for Law Students?

Answer: Facebook

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