Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 32

This page contains Kerala PSC IT and Cyber Laws Questions and Answers 32 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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621. ______is computer software designed to handle computer hardware and provide platform for application software?

Answer: System software

622. The size of commonly used floppy disk is _____

Answer: 3.5

623. _____ is the short cut key for line break in MS-Word?

Answer: Shift + Enter

624. Ctrl + U is used to ______

Answer: Underline the selected text

625. What are connector symbol ?

Answer: All the above

626. This is the exclusive right granted by statute to the author of the works to reproduce dramatic, artistic, literary or musical work or to authorize its reproduction by others:

Answer: Copy Right

627. Making distributing and selling the software copies those are fake, known as:

Answer: Counter felting

628. ………………….. is a method in which multiple communication devices are connected to one another efficiently.

Answer: Switching

629. The degree of detail that should be incorporated into a database depends on what?

Answer: The type of database

630. Memories which can be read only are called …………………..memories.

Answer: ROM

631. Two program of worm are–

Answer: both ‘A’ and ‘B’

632. The criminal reads or copies confidential or proprietary information,but the data is neither deleted nor changed- This is termed:

Answer: Computer voyeur

633. What is the extension of files created in Ms-Word 97- 2003?

Answer: Doc

634. Computer which stores the different webpages is called?

Answer: Web server

635. 'E & OE' is the abbreviation for:

Answer: Errors and Omissions Excepted

636. Award presented for excellence on the internet is

Answer: Webby Award

637. The slogan of Google is;

Answer: Don’t be evil

638. Software, such as Explorer and Firefox, are referred to as .....

Answer: Browsers

639. Worn out teeth of the carriage rack is the cause of:

Answer: Jerking

640. The very high speed semi conductor memory which can speed up CPU is

Answer: cache memory

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