Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 5

This page contains Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 5 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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81. കായകളുണ്ടെങ്കിലും വിത്തില്ലാത്ത സസ്യം

Answer: വാഴ

82. സൂര്യനോട് ഏറ്റവും അടുത്ത ഗ്രഹം ഏതാണ്?

Answer: ബുധന്‍

83. ചൂലിന്റെ ആകൃതിയിൽ കാണപ്പെടുന്ന മേഘങ്ങൾ?

Answer: സിറസ് മേഘങ്ങൾ

84. ഇന്ത്യയിലെ ഏറ്റവും ഉയരം കൂടിയ പീഠഭൂമി?

Answer: ലഡാക്ക്

85. ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കടൽത്തീരമുള്ള ദ്വീപ് രാഷ്ട്രം?

Answer: ഇന്തോനേഷ്യ

86. Percentage of low land region occupying the total area of Kerala?

Answer: 10%

87. Which satyagraha was associated with Irinjalakkuda Kudalmanikyam temple?

Answer: Kuttamkulam

88. The Yogakshema movement was meant for reforms within the ------community

Answer: Namboodiri

89. Who was the founder and publisher of the newspaper Swadeshabhimani?

Answer: Vakkom Moulavi

90. Bacon Co-operative society was started in ------------

Answer: 1887

91. The social or interpersonal concept of public opinion of two or more individuals oriented to and communicating about an object of mutual interest is

Answer: Coorientation

92. Which of the following is not a quantitative credit control weapon used by RBI to control credit

Answer: Moral suasion

93. William Hentry Mill invented typewriter in the year of:

Answer: 1714

94. Adding or deleting space between character pairs is called

Answer: Tracking

95. International Yoga Day celebrates on

Answer: June 21

96. Very thin paper is called

Answer: Manifolding paper

97. Which Organisation regulated Mutual Funds in India?

Answer: SEBI

98. Who is the present Chief Election Commissioner followed by V.S.Sambath in January 2015?

Answer: Nasim Zaidi

99. Who is popularly known as the 'Father of Indian Constitution'?

Answer: Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

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