Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 17

This page contains Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 17 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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321. കപ്പയിൽ അടങ്ങിയിരിക്കുന്ന വിഷാംശമുള്ള ആസിഡ്

Answer: ഹൈഡ്രോസയാനിക് ആസിഡ്

322. പറമ്പിക്കുളം കടുവാ സംരക്ഷണ കേന്ദ്രം ഉദ്ഘാടനം ചെയ്ത കേന്ദ്ര മന്ത്രി

Answer: ജയറാം രമേശ്

323. പാരമ്പര്യേതര ഊർജ്ജ സ്രോതസുകൾ വികസി പ്പിച്ചെടുക്കുന്ന സ്ഥാപനം

Answer: ANERT

324. Tusk of elephants is a modification of

Answer: Incisors

325. WWF ന്റെ ചിഹ്നം?

Answer: ഭീമന്‍ പാണ്ട

326. In which year Right to Information Act was passed in India?

Answer: 2005

327. Who was appointed as the 44th Chief Justice of India?

Answer: Jagdish Singh Khehar

328. Total number of rows in MS Excel 2003

Answer: 65536

329. NABARD stands for

Answer: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

330. Barren Island is located in

Answer: Andaman-Nicobar

331. ------------ is considered to be the birth place of the Co-operative movement in the world

Answer: England

332. The NABARD was recommended by -----------


333. William Hentry Mill invented typewriter in the year of:

Answer: 1714

334. Each pixel in digital image is assigned a tonal value (black, white, shades of gray or color), which is represented in:

Answer: Binary code

335. In prelims, the page backing the title page is called

Answer: Imprint page

336. Ready made formats for creating letters are called

Answer: Templates or Wizards

337. Habeas Corpus Act 1679

Answer: safeguarded the personal liberties of the people against arbitrary imprisonment

338. The output quality of printer is measured by......

Answer: Dots per inch

339. Which of the following is not the Brand name of typewriter ?

Answer: Ronio

340. For a 70/30 NR/PE blend which phase morphology is more probable?

Answer: NR is continuous phase

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