Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 2

This page contains Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 2 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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21. സസ്യങ്ങളുടെ വേരുകളുടെ രൂപവൽക്കരണത്തിന് കാരണമാവുന്ന സസ്യ ഹോർമോണ്‍ ?

Answer: സൈറ്റോകെനിൻസ്

22. Edakkal Caves are in the _______ district

Answer: Wayanad

23. ഭൂമിയെചുറ്റി സഞ്ചരിച്ച ആദ്യ കപ്പല്‍

Answer: വിക്ടോറിയ

24. The chemical that is found in the largest quantity in the sun:

Answer: .Hydrogen

25. പൂജ്യം ഡിഗ്രി അക്ഷാംശ രേഖ എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്?

Answer: ഭൂമദ്ധ്യരേഖ

26. Silent Valley National Park was inaugurated by..........

Answer: Rajiv Gandhi

27. Biggests irrigation project in Kerala?

Answer: Kallada

28. Mamamkam was held in the banks of the river?

Answer: Bharathapuzha

29. Darshanamala is written in -------language

Answer: Sanskrit

30. The semicircular arrangement of type bars on the segment helps in

Answer: Striking of type bars through the printing point

31. The 'Magna Carta of the travancore Ryots' is -------

Answer: The Pattam Proclamation of 1865

32. -In India, Co-operative week is being celebrated from ------- every year

Answer: November 14-20

33. 'DTP' computer abbreviation usually means:

Answer: Desk Top Publishing

34. The proprietary technology developed by Alicrosoft that allows embedding and linking to documents and other objects:

Answer: OLE

35. The mother tongue of a computer is..........

Answer: Machine language

36. The Autobiography of Malala Yousuf Zai

Answer: I am Malala

37. Si 69 is a

Answer: Coupling agent

38. Which is not a type of rock ?

Answer: Sedomorphic

39. Ajanta" is in ?

Answer: Maharashtra

40. "Gol Gumbaz" is in ?

Answer: Karnataka

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