Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 12

This page contains Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 12 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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221. Which district having the most number of National Parks?

Answer: Idukki

222. Largest teak plant ‘Kannimaram’ is seen at?

Answer: Parambikulam

223. In which year A.R. Rahman won the Oscar award?

Answer: 2009

224. --------- is a Negotiable instrument

Answer: Cheque

225. The father of Indian Co-operative Movement

Answer: None of the above

226. Which book won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2015?

Answer: A Brief History of Seven Killings

227. The Grand Old Man of Indian Journalism

Answer: Tushar Gandhi

228. Who started Swadeshabhimani Newspaper?

Answer: Vakkom Abdul Khadhar Maulavi

229. To uphold and protect sovereignty, unity and integrity of India is a provision made in the

Answer: Fundamental Duties

230. Acromatic or without hue is called

Answer: Neutral

231. A color proof where the images where the images are arranges together without regard to the page layout and without the surrounding text ?

Answer: Scatter proof

232. All type bars rest in the

Answer: Type Basket

233. Very thin paper is called

Answer: Manifolding paper

234. Cylinder is made of

Answer: Hard rubber

235. Which is the famous autobiography of Swadeshabhimani Rama Krishna pillai?

Answer: Ente Nadu kadathal

236. The Christian Missionaries works in Malabar area

Answer: B.E.M.

237. Who wrote the first biography of Sree Narayana Guru ?

Answer: Moorkoth Kumaran

238. Decrease of viscosity with increasing shear rate is known as

Answer: Pseudoplastic behaviour

239. Diameter of moon is ?

Answer: 3475 km

240. Autumnal Equinox occurs on ?

Answer: September 23

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