Kerala PSC Economics Questions and Answers 4

This page contains Kerala PSC Economics Questions and Answers 4 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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61. സ്റ്റാർട് അപ് കമ്പനികളെ പ്രോത്സാഹിപ്പിക്കാൻ 2016 ൽ കേന്ദ്ര സർക്കാർ ആരംഭിച്ച പദ്ധതി

Answer: സ്റ്റാർടപ്പ് ഇന്ത്യ കർമ്മ പദ്ധതി

62. സാമ്പത്തിക ശാസ്ത്രതത്വങ്ങള്‍ എന്ന ഗ്രന്ഥത്തിന്റെ കര്‍ത്താവ്

Answer: ആല്‍ഫ്രഡ് മാര്‍ഷല്‍

63. In which year Reserve Bank of India was nationalized?

Answer: 1949

64. How many types of taxes will be in Indian GST?

Answer: 3

65. Gresham’s Law states that—

Answer: Bad money drives good money out of circulation

66. A competitive firm maximizes its profit when—

Answer: MR = MC

67. The slope of an indifference curve expresses—

Answer: The marginal rate of substitution of two goods

68. Principal components in econometric analysis—

Answer: Are linear combinations

69. Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) was introduced in ?

Answer: 1995

70. New chairman of EAC-PM which was reconstituted by prime minister Narenda modi recently

Answer: Bibek Debroy

71. What is India’s rank in the 2017 global Multi-dimensional Poverty Index (MPI)?

Answer: 37th

72. Peoples plan introduced by

Answer: MN Roy

73. Most Populated State In India

Answer: Uttar Pradesh

74. .Growth definition was put forwarded by ?

Answer: Paul A Samuelson

75. Which Of The Following Pictures Imprinted In New ten Rupee Notes.

Answer: Sun Temple,Konak

76. All India institute of medical science was established in

Answer: Delhi

77. First Post Office savings bank ATM established at ?

Answer: Chennai

78. Which country hold first rank in HDI ranking 2016?

Answer: Norway

79. .First country to introduce GST ?

Answer: France

80. GST ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട് ഭരണഘടനയിൽ കൂട്ടിച്ചേർക്കപ്പെട്ട അനുഛേദം

Answer: ആർട്ടിക്കിൾ 246 A

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