Kerala PSC Question Bank in Malayalam 63

This page contains Kerala PSC Question Bank in Malayalam 63 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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1241. Choose the odd one

Answer: AZYB

1242. I have ______________ pens than you.

Answer: less

1243. If 12 people can finish a job by 5 days, how many days will be required to finish the same job by 10 people?

Answer: 6

1244. .If a+b=7 and Square root of b(Square)-9=4 find’a’

Answer: 2

1245. In a rectangle length is greater than its breadth by 4 c.m. Its perimeter is 20 cm. Then what is the area?

Answer: 21

1246. .The first winner of Kalinga prize instituted by UNESCO is:

Answer: Louis de broglie

1247. Who was the founder of Ananda Maha Sabha?

Answer: Brahmananda Sivayogi

1248. An injunction order from a court of law prohibits the defendant from doing a particular act or compelled to do a positive act is a:

Answer: Mandatory injunction

1249. Which state has become the first Indian state to fix minimum education qualification for cooperative body poll?

Answer: Rajasthan

1250. India`s first Tera Flops Super Computer

Answer: Param 10,000

1251. Kannadipuzha and Bharathapuzha meet at ....

Answer: Parali

1252. Few students knew the answer, ... Choose the right question tag(c) FWB (d) FWA

Answer: did they?

1253. What is the term used to describe a group of flies?

Answer: swarm

1254. ചൈനീസ് റോസ് -

Answer: ചെമ്പരത്തി

1255. In a client/server computer network, the users computer is usually called?

Answer: Client

1256. The Hormone that regulates the rhythm of life is:

Answer: Melatonin

1257. Vijay Mallya is currently resided in which country

Answer: UK

1258. ചോളന്മാരുടെ രാജകീയ മുദ്ര എന്താണ്?

Answer: കടുവ

1259. കേരളത്തിൽ ആദ്യമായി കോവിഡ് രോഗികളുടെ ചികിത്സക്കായി ഓക്സിജൻ പാർലറുകൾ ആരംഭിച്ച ജില്ല

Answer: ആലപ്പുഴ

1260. Which company has launched the "Report it Don't Share It" initiative?

Answer: Facebook

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