Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 3

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 3 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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41. ബൃഹത് വൃത്തം എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന അക്ഷാംശരേഖ?

Answer: ഭൂമധ്യരേഖ

42. തുടർ ഭൂകമ്പങ്ങളുടെ നാട് എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്?

Answer: ഹെയ്തി

43. Eravikulam was declared as National park in

Answer: 1978

44. The rain shadow region in Kerala?

Answer: Chinnar

45. -------- is concerned with recording of work time of a worker

Answer: Time booking

46. RBI was established in ----------

Answer: 1935

47. -The fair value of the share is the average of -------

Answer: Intrinsic value and Yield value

48. Lockout is weapon of employer, as ------- is weapon of worker

Answer: None of these

49. The first Sanskrit film in India directed by G.V. Iyer

Answer: Adi Sankara

50. Co-Operative Societies are governed by the -------------

Answer: Co-operatives Societies Act 1912

51. International Yoga Day celebrates on

Answer: June 21

52. The process where the inner pages of a section is deliberately printed offset slightly towards spine fold ?

Answer: Shingling

53. Statistical matters are typed by using

Answer: Tabulator

54. Who initiated Misrsbhojanam as a struggle against social taboos with eating together?

Answer: Sahodaran Ayyappan

55. Which was the first antivirus program ?

Answer: Reaper

56. animated manifestation of the MS Office help system.

Answer: Office Assistant

57. 3-D reference in a formula ?

Answer: Spans work sheets

58. Which of the following is a trifunctional monomer?

Answer: Glycerol

59. Pyrenes Mountain is in which continent ?

Answer: Europe

60. Which river is also known as Yellow River ?

Answer: Hwang–Ho

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