Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 3

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 3 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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41. 'മഞ്ഞ് തിന്നുന്നവൻ' എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന പ്രാദേശിക വാതം?

Answer: ചിനൂക്ക്

42. ഫോസിൽ മരഭൂമി എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്?

Answer: കലഹാരി (ആഫ്രിക്ക )

43. ഏഷ്യയുടേയും യൂറോപ്പിന്റെയും അതിർത്തിയായി കണക്കാക്കപ്പെടുന്ന പർവ്വതനിര?

Answer: യുറാൽ

44. ലോകത്തിൽ ഏറ്റവും ഉയരത്തിൽ സ്ഥിതി ചെയ്യുന്ന ഗ്ലേസിയർ?

Answer: സിയാച്ചിൻ

45. ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ നദീമുഖം?

Answer: ഓബ്

46. Cholannur wildlife Sanctuary was established in?

Answer: 2007

47. Who made an official declaration granting lower caste Channar Women the right to cover their breasts in Travancore in 1859?

Answer: Ayilyam Thirunnal

48. When was Malabar temple entry Act came into force?

Answer: 1947

49. Which Indian Prime Minister dissolved the Planning Commission and introduced NITI Ayog in its place?

Answer: Narendra Modi

50. In which Year ISRO was inagurated?

Answer: 15 August 1969

51. 'DTP' computer abbreviation usually means:

Answer: Desk Top Publishing

52. Which technology is used in Compact disks?

Answer: Laser

53. Name the captain of temple entry campaign in Guruvayoor Sathyagraha.

Answer: T. S. Subrahmanyan Thirumumbu

54. Transmitting no optical radiation is called

Answer: Opaque

55. Describe a material that transmits light without diffusion or scattering

Answer: Transparent

56. To move cursor to end of the document, press

Answer: Ctrl + end

57. The leader of Guruvayoor Satyagraha

Answer: K. Kelappan

58. To add two cells (A1 and A2) together you use the following formula

Answer: = A1+A2

59. Diameter of Sun is ?

Answer: 13 Lakh kms

60. Which is not a type of rock ?

Answer: Sedomorphic

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