Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 17

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 17 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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321. ഏഷ്യയിൽ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ സമയ മേഖലകളുള്ള രാജ്യം?

Answer: ഇന്തോനേഷ്യ ( 3 )

322. ഏറ്റവും ചെറിയ സമുദ്രം?

Answer: ആർട്ടിക് സമുദ്രം

323. തീരപ്രദേശമില്ലാത്ത ലോകത്തിലെ ഒരേയൊരു കടൽ?

Answer: സർഗാസോ കടൽ

324. Which river is known as ‘Life line of Kerala?

Answer: Periyar

325. District with maximum forest area in percentage

Answer: Wayanad

326. In which year A.R. Rahman won the Oscar award?

Answer: 2009

327. By the order of the Governor' is seen in

Answer: Govt. order

328. Who exhorted the world famous dictum 'One caste, One religion, One clan, One world, One God'?

Answer: Ayya Vaikundar

329. The fair value of the share is the average of -------

Answer: Intrinsic value and Yield value

330. ----------- is prescribed for the application for the registration of a Co-operative Society

Answer: Form 1

331. __ offer a quick and easy way to share files and resources directly,

Answer: Network

332. All the commands and functions in QuarkXPress are available:

Answer: from the Menu Bar

333. Which of the following programs is not a popular • desktop publishing program?

Answer: Lotus AmiPro

334. Right division of word is known as...............

Answer: Syllabification

335. Which of the following Tool bars provide different options in various master views ?

Answer: Common tasks tool bar

336. Hilderbrand is the unit of

Answer: Solubility parameter

337. For polymer containing OH group a major absorption peak is expected at (wave number)

Answer: 3400

338. Caprolactam disulphide is a

Answer: Sulphur donor

339. Winging of scapula occurs in paralysis of

Answer: Serratus anterior

340. Ajanta" is in ?

Answer: Maharashtra

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