Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 12

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 12 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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221. സൗരയൂഥ സിദ്ധാന്തത്തിന്റെ ഉപജ്ഞാതാവ്?

Answer: കോപ്പർനിക്കസ്

222. ഏഷ്യയിൽ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ സമയ മേഖലകളുള്ള രാജ്യം?

Answer: ഇന്തോനേഷ്യ ( 3 )

223. ഏഷ്യയിലെ ഏറ്റവും നീളം കൂടിയ നദി?

Answer: യാങ്റ്റ്സി

224. Who was sworn in as the 9th UN Secretary-General?

Answer: Antonio Guterres

225. The semicircular arrangement of type bars on the segment helps in

Answer: Striking of type bars through the printing point

226. ASCII stands for

Answer: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

227. Which among the following newspaper was edited by Muhammad Abdurahiman Sahib?

Answer: Al-Ameen

228. The business of generating goodwill towards an individual, cause, company or product is

Answer: Public Relations

229. What are the three basic shapes?

Answer: Square, circle, triangle

230. Operating system comes under.

Answer: System Software

231. In Corel Draw, the view which displays the drawing in a skeletal form is:

Answer: Wire frame

232. Brahma Prathyaksha Sadhujano Paripalana Sangam was founded by

Answer: Kavarikulam Kandan Kumaran

233. Which of the following is the Topmost Bar of any Window?

Answer: Title bar

234. Among these, which are printed at the bottom of each page?

Answer: Footers

235. Drop Caps are used in documents in order to

Answer: To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter

236. Which is the date of Temple Entry Proclamation in Travancore?

Answer: 12 Nov 1936

237. There are _______ of feed rollers

Answer: Two sets

238. Leave _________ space after typing 'Coma'

Answer: One space

239. The founding father of Modern Singapore

Answer: Lee Kuan Yew

240. Thermoplastic polyurethane is a

Answer: Thermoplastic elastomer

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