Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 11

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 11 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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201. വനിതാദിനം ആചരിക്കുന്ന ദിവസം?

Answer: March 8

202. ഉത്തരാർധഗോളത്തിൽ ഏറ്റവും ദൈർഘ്യമേറിയ പകൽ അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്നത്എന്നാണ്?

Answer: ഡിസംബർ 22

203. Which river is known as ‘Life line of Kerala?

Answer: Periyar

204. Vedashabdaratnakaram is authored by -------

Answer: Dr. D. Babu Paul

205. The famous play ''Adukkalayilninnu Arangathekku'' deals with the problems of which community in kerala

Answer: Namboothiri

206. PURA (Providing Urban Amenities to Rural Areas) Project was inaugurated in which state?

Answer: Tripura

207. Which finger is used to type the letter 'C'?

Answer: Left index finger

208. When a radio station transmits radiowave, which layer in the atmosphere reflects it back to the earth?

Answer: Ionosphere

209. Lazlo Biro, who created the first ball-point pen, was a Hungarian

Answer: Journalist

210. The fair value of the share is the average of -------

Answer: Intrinsic value and Yield value

211. Which of the following is not a toning tool?

Answer: Dodge

212. All the commands and functions in QuarkXPress are available:

Answer: from the Menu Bar

213. Preliminary pages of a book are also known as

Answer: Front matter

214. The ability of a material to withstand color change on exposure to light

Answer: lightfastness

215. Ready made formats for creating letters are called

Answer: Templates or Wizards

216. How can '999' be written Roman letter ?

Answer: IM

217. Polydispersity index is said to be 1 when

Answer: Mw = Mn

218. A parison is used in

Answer: Blow moulding

219. How many types of Pastures is there ?

Answer: two

220. Papanasam Project is on which river ?

Answer: Tambiraparani

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