This page contains Kerala PSC Social Welfare Schemes Questions and Answers 2 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.
Answer: പാലക്കാട്
Answer: 1951-1956
Answer: 1972
Answer: 15 months
Answer: Fully Centrally Sponsored Scheme
Answer: Kudumbashree
Answer: Thelima
Answer: Mahila Samridhi Yojana (MSY)
Answer: 1 Apri1 2008
Answer: 3 December 2005
Answer: Self Help Groups (SHG)
Answer: NRLM
Answer: State Minister of LSG
Answer: Balasabhas
Answer: April 2005
Answer: Improve the quality of life & infrastructure in the cities
Answer: NRDP
Answer: NABARD
Answer: Minority Affairs
Answer: 17th May 1998