Open Detailed Study Note
A murder of an important person for political reason Assassination .
Act of intentional and unlawful killing Murder .
Cruel Killing of large number of people Massacre .
The killing of Father Patricide .
The killing of Fungi fungicide .
The killing of King Regicide .
The killing of Mother Matricide .
The killing of Pest Pesticide .
The killing of Sister Sororicide .
The killing of Wife Uxoricide .
The killing of a man byj another man Homicide .
The killing of a race of people geonocide .
The killing of an Infant Infanticide .
The killing of brother Fractricide .
The killing of one self Suicide .
The killing of one's own parent or other near relatives Parricide .
The killing of unwanted vegitation Herbicide .
Mercy killing Euthanasia .
Notice of a person's death in a dail...
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