Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 29

This page contains Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 29 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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561. വായുവില്‍ ശബ്ദത്തിന്‍റെ വേഗത എത്ര ?

Answer: 340 M/S

562. വടക്കേ അമേരിക്കയിലെ നീളം കൂടിയ നദി?

Answer: മിസോറി - മിസ്സിസിപ്പി

563. In which year A.R. Rahman won the Oscar award?

Answer: 2009

564. Who called Kumaranasan "Viplavathinte Sukra Nakshtram" ?

Answer: Joseph Mundassery

565. Among these rivers the tributary of Indus is

Answer: Jhelum

566. The state having a largest area of forest cover in India is

Answer: Madhya Pradesh

567. Who won the prestigious 2016 FIFA Ballon d'Or Award?

Answer: Cristiano Ronaldo

568. The strength of staff in a Co-operative society is fixed by -----------

Answer: None of the above

569. Barren Island is located in

Answer: Andaman-Nicobar

570. Cleaning of a typewriter must be done:

Answer: daily

571. Which of these is a set of program that let all the different parts of a computer talk to each other ?

Answer: BIOS

572. Person or organization responsible for production and distribution of a book is called

Answer: Publisher

573. In prelims, the page backing the title page is called

Answer: Imprint page

574. The instrument used to measure the speed of wind is

Answer: Anemometer

575. Guwahati High court is the judicature of

Answer: All of the above

576. Which shortcut key is used for underlines words but not spaces?

Answer: Ctrl+Shift +W

577. The publisher of the newspaper 'Al- Ameen'

Answer: Muhammed Abdul Rahman

578. Subject is typewritten in a letter

Answer: Before the reference

579. Nylon 66 melts at (deg C)

Answer: 269

580. The effect of roll bending in calendaring operation is reduced by

Answer: All of these

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