Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 23

This page contains Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 23 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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441. ഓര്ക്കിഡുകളുടെ റാണി എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്നത്?

Answer: ഇപ്സിയ മലബാറിക്ക

442. ഭൂകമ്പ തരംഗങ്ങൾ രേഖപ്പെടുത്താൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്ന ഉപകരണം?

Answer: സീസ്മോ ഗ്രാഫ്

443. കമ്മ്യൂണിസം കൊടുമുടി എവിടെയാണ്?

Answer: താജിക്കിസ്ഥാൻ

444. സുനാമിയെ തുടർന്ന് പൊട്ടിത്തെറിച്ച ജപ്പാനിലെ ആണവ നിലയം?

Answer: ഫുക്കുഷിമ

445. Hottest place of Kerala?

Answer: Punalur

446. Kerala soil museum situated in?

Answer: Parottukonam

447. Name the leader who came into limelight during the Electricity Agitation of 1936

Answer: E. Ikkanda Warrier

448. Who was sworn in as the 9th UN Secretary-General?

Answer: Antonio Guterres

449. A duplicator is used

Answer: to take several copies using stencil paper

450. When was the National Food Security Act came into force?

Answer: 2013

451. The business of generating goodwill towards an individual, cause, company or product is

Answer: Public Relations

452. How to remove all character formats of the selected text in MS-word?

Answer: Ctrl + Spacebar

453. A file that is saved so it cannot he modified is called?

Answer: a template

454. Subash Chandran got the Kendra Sahitya Academy Award for his book

Answer: Manushyanu Oru Aamukham

455. How many types of keys are there in a Typewriter?

Answer: Two

456. Apparent shear rate for a capillary flow is related to

Answer: Volume flow rate ameternd capillary dia

457. The primary criterion for choosing blend components is

Answer: Solubility parameter must be close

458. The foaming agent used in NR foam is

Answer: Air

459. Atmosphere has how many distinct layers ?

Answer: 5

460. "Oder Neisse Line" is boundary between ?

Answer: Germany and Poland

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