Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 30

This page contains Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 30 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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581. 2016 ലെ പരിസ്ഥിതിദിന മുദ്രാവാക്യം?

Answer: പൊരുതാം കാടിനും ജീവനും - വന്യജീവി വ്യാപാരത്തോട് സന്ധിയില്ലാതെ (Go Wild for life - Zero tolerance for the illegal wildlife trade)

582. ആമസോണ്‍ മഴക്കാടുകള്‍ ഏത് രാജ്യത്താണ് ?

Answer: ബ്രസീൽ (തെക്കേ അമേരിക്ക)

583. അന്തരീക്ഷത്തിലെ താഴ്ന്ന ഊഷ്മാവ് എത് മണ്ഡലത്തിലാണ്?

Answer: മിസോസ്ഫിയർ

584. Total coastal length of Kerala

Answer: 580km

585. Brahmapuram diesel Power Plant is located in

Answer: Ernakulam

586. The region known as Chirapunchi of Kerala?

Answer: Lakkidi

587. Which of the following was the first artificial satellite of the World?

Answer: Sputnik

588. __________ helps to give uniform margin on all sheets while typing.

Answer: Paper guide

589. -The fair value of the share is the average of -------

Answer: Intrinsic value and Yield value

590. The Apex federation of Fisheries Co-operative of Kerala is -----------


591. The work done by one staff is automatically checked by another is called

Answer: Internal Check

592. The German footballer created record by scoring the most number of goals in FIFA world cup.

Answer: Miroslav Klose

593. Capital letters of the same height of lowercase letters are called

Answer: Small Caps

594. Name the process that checks all details of an application file to ensure it is technically complete, correct and ready to go to the printer

Answer: Preflighting

595. What is the use of Book marks in Microsoft Word?

Answer: To quickly jump to specific location in the document

596. The book written by Vaikunda Swamikal

Answer: Arulnool

597. Which of the following is right ?

Answer: His Excellency Governor

598. Which Planet is dwarf planet

Answer: Pluto

599. The thickness of earth Crust is about ?

Answer: 30 Km

600. Aryabhatta satellite was launched in ?

Answer: 1975

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