Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 29

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 29 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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561. ഏറ്റവും വലിയ അക്ഷാംശ രേഖ?

Answer: ഭൂമദ്ധ്യരേഖ

562. സൂര്യന്റെ അൾട്രാവയലറ്റ് രശ്മികളിൽ നിന്ന് ഭൂമിയെ സംരക്ഷിക്കുന്നത്?

Answer: ഓസോൺ പാളി\'

563. എവറസ്റ്റ് കീഴടക്കിയ അംഗവൈകല്യമുള്ള ആദ്യ ഇന്ത്യക്കാരി?

Answer: അരുണിമ സിൻഹ

564. 'സുനാമി' എന്നത് ഏത് ഭാഷയിലെ പദമാണ്?

Answer: ജാപ്പനീസ്

565. The place famous for limestone

Answer: Valayar

566. 100th Constitution Amendment is related with -----

Answer: India -Bangladesh territory dispute settlement

567. International Day for the elimination of violence against women is observed on

Answer: November 25

568. In excel, the intersection of row and column is known as

Answer: Cell

569. Which team was the opponent of Chile in Copa America Final 2015?

Answer: Argentina

570. The 'Magna Carta of the travancore Ryots' is -------

Answer: The Pattam Proclamation of 1865

571. NABARD stands for

Answer: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

572. Section 80A deals with --------

Answer: Pension Scheme

573. Research and development fund is created by -----------

Answer: NABARD

574. Communicating with staff at all levels and ensuring every member of staff feels part of a forward thinking team is

Answer: Internal PR

575. Trim marks can be used for both registration and trim if

Answer: It appears on all four plate

576. Peechi Dam is built in the river

Answer: Kecherippuzha

577. The mother tongue of a computer is..........

Answer: Machine language

578. Who wrote the historical novel 'Rama Raja Bahadur'?

Answer: C.V. Raman Pillai

579. The headquarters of Kerala Sahitya Akademi

Answer: Trissur

580. Dalmianagar of Bihar is famous of ?

Answer: Cement

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