Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 31

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 31 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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601. ഭൂകമ്പത്തിന്റെ തീക്ഷ്ണത അളക്കുന്ന ഉപകരണം

Answer: റിക്ടർ സ്കെയിൽ

602. Neither Seena nor Reena _____________ well

Answer: swims

603. ഏറ്റവും കുടുതൽ സമയ മേഖലകളുള്ള രാജ്യം?

Answer: ഫ്രാൻസ് (12)

604. ആൽപ്സ് പർവ്വതനിരയുടെ മുകളിലുണ്ടായ വിമാനപകടത്തിൽ കൊല്ലപ്പെട്ട ഇന്ത്യൻ ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞൻ ?

Answer: ഹോമി ജെ.ഭാഭ

605. ലോകത്തിലെ നീളം കൂടിയ നദിയായ നൈൽ നദി പതിക്കുന്നത്?

Answer: മെഡിറ്ററേനിയൻ

606. Darshanamala is written in -------language

Answer: Sanskrit

607. Who abolished 'Devadasi' system in the Temples of South Travancore?

Answer: Sethu Lakshmi bhai

608. First Control Co-operative bank in India is --------------

Answer: Jabalpur Control Co-operative Bank

609. In tally, discount column is available in --------

Answer: Both A and B

610. Which book won the Man Booker Prize for Fiction in 2015?

Answer: A Brief History of Seven Killings

611. The 'Cannes Award' is given for excellence in which of the following fields?

Answer: Films

612. 'The Last Emperor' and 'Little Buddha' are films directed by

Answer: Bernardo Bertolucci

613. Who was known as the 'liberator of the press'?

Answer: Metcalfe

614. An officer appointed by the registrar to decide a dispute is called---------

Answer: Arbitrator

615. Name the only girl who has been selected as brand ambassador for Digital India Programme by the govt. of India

Answer: Kruti Tiwari

616. The process of taking out more than one copy with the help of carbon paper is called.............

Answer: carbon manifolding

617. In which Amendment of Indian Constitution reduce the voting age from 21 to 18 ?

Answer: 61st Amendment of 1989

618. Which is known as 'Dakshina Nalanda' ?

Answer: Kanthalloor Salai

619. Which of the following are valid minimum and maximum zoom size in MS Word ?

Answer: 10 - 500

620. Papanasam Project is on which river ?

Answer: Tambiraparani

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