Time and Work Problems  -  Shortcut Tricks and Formulas Time and Work Problems - Shortcut Tricks and Formulas

Time and Work Problems  -  Shortcut Tricks and FormulasTime and Work Problems - Shortcut Tricks and Formulas

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Problems Type 1:

A can finish work in X days.

B can finish work in Y days.

Both can finish in Z days = (X*Y) / (X+Y).

Problems Type 2:

Both A and B together can do work in T days.

A can do this work in X days.

then, B can do it in Y days = (X*T) / (X-T)

Problems Type 3:

A can finish work in X days.

B can finish work in Y days.

C can finish work in Z days.

Together they can do work in T days = (X*Y*Z)/ [(X*Y)+(Y*Z)+(X*Z)]

Problems Type 4:

A can finish work in X days.

B can finish work in Y days.

A*X = B*Y

Y = (A*X) / B

Problems Type 5:

A can finish work in X days.

B can finish work in Y days.

A left work after P days then B need to work Q days

Q = [(X - P) / X ] * Y

Problems Type 6:

M1 person can do W1 work in D1 days and H1 hours

M2 person can do W2 work in D2 days and H2 hours

M1D1H1 = M2D2H2

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