States in India through which standard meridians pass. States in India through which standard meridians pass.

States in India through which standard meridians pass.States in India through which standard meridians pass.

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The standard meridian is the longitude or meridian used for reckoning the standard time of a country.   India has chosen 82.5 degrees east as its standard meridian. This gives Indian Standard Time (IST) to be 5 hours 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT).

23.5° കടന്നു പോകുന്ന  സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങൾ?

  • മിസോറം ,
  • ത്രിപുര,
  • ഗുജറാത്ത്,
  • രാജസ്ഥാൻ,
  • മധ്യപ്രദേശ്
  • ഛതിസ്ഗഡ്‌,
  • ജാർഖണ്ഡ്,
  • പശ്ചിമബംഗാൾ

Code : മി ത്ര ഗു രാ മ ഛ ജ പം

82.5°കടന്നു പോകുന്ന സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങൾ ?

  • ആന്ധ്രപ്രദേശ്
  • ഉത്തർപ്രദേശ്
  • ഒഡിഷ
  • ഛത്തിസ്‌ഗഡ്
  • മധ്യപ്രദേശ്

Code : യുപി യിലെ എംപി AP ഛത്തു ഒടുങ്ങി

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Geography Instruments


Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and the atmosphere surrounding the earth. Geography caters to the weather, the climate, and the landforms of the earth. Weather stations typically have the following instruments:.

Anemometer for measuring wind speed.
Barometer for measuring atmospheric pressure.
Hygrometer for measuring humidity.
Pyranometer for measuring solar radiation.
Rain gauge for measuring liquid precipitation over a set period of time. .
Thermometer for measuring air and sea surface temperature.
Windsock for measuring general wind speed and wind direction.
Wind vane also called a weather vane or a weathercock: it shows whence the wind is blowing.
firstResponsiveAdvt .

Questions related to Geography Instruments ആകാശത്ത് നിന്ന് സ്റ്റീരിയോസ്കോപ്പിക്ക് ക്യാമ...


Famous Scientists and Inventors


Albert Einstein : Came up with the Theory of Relativity and the equation E=mc^2.
Alexander Graham Bell : Invented the telephone.
Antoine Lavoisier : Father of modern chemistry.
Ben Franklin : Inventor and Founding Father of the United States.
Francis Crick and James Watson : Discovered the structure of the DNA molecule.
Galileo : First used the telescope to view the planets and stars.
George Washington Carver : Botanist who was called the "farmers best friend.".
Henry Ford : Invented the Model T Ford, the first mass produced car.
Isaac Newton : Discovered the theory of gravity and the three laws of motion.
Jane Goodall : Studied chimpanzees in the wild for many years.
Johannes Gutenberg : Invented the printing press.
Leonardo da Vinci : Inventor and artist from the Renaissance.
Louis Pasteur : Discovered pasteurization, vaccines, and founded the science of germ theor...


Parliaments of Different Countries


Please find te parliaments of different countries Afghanistan - Shora.
Albania - People’s Assembly.
Algeria - National People’s Assembly.
Andorra - General Council.
Angola - National People’s Assembly.
Argentina - National Congress.
Australia - Federal Parliament.
Austria - National Assembly.
Azerbaijan - Melli Majlis.
Bahamas - General Assembly.
Bahrain - Consultative Council.
Bangladesh - Jatia Parliament.
Belize - National Assembly.
Bhutan - Tsogdu.
Bolivia - National Congress.
Botswana - National Assembly.
Brazil - National Congress.
Britain - Parliment (House Of Common’s And House Of Lords).
Brunei - National Assembly.
Bulgaria - Narodno Subranie.
Cambodia - National Assembly.
Canada - Parliament.
China - National People’s Assembly.
