Famous Scientists and Inventors Famous Scientists and Inventors

Famous Scientists and InventorsFamous Scientists and Inventors

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  • Albert Einstein : Came up with the Theory of Relativity and the equation E=mc^2.
  • Alexander Graham Bell : Invented the telephone.
  • Antoine Lavoisier : Father of modern chemistry.
  • Ben Franklin : Inventor and Founding Father of the United States.
  • Francis Crick and James Watson : Discovered the structure of the DNA molecule.
  • Galileo : First used the telescope to view the planets and stars.
  • George Washington Carver : Botanist who was called the "farmers best friend."
  • Henry Ford : Invented the Model T Ford, the first mass produced car.
  • Isaac Newton : Discovered the theory of gravity and the three laws of motion.
  • Jane Goodall : Studied chimpanzees in the wild for many years.
  • Johannes Gutenberg : Invented the printing press.
  • Leonardo da Vinci : Inventor and artist from the Renaissance.
  • Louis Pasteur : Discovered pasteurization, vaccines, and founded the science of germ theory.
  • Marie Curie : Physicist who discovered radioactivity.
  • Rachel Carson : Founder of environmental science.
  • Stephen Hawking : Discovered Hawking Radiation and wrote A Brief History in Time.
  • The Wright Brothers : Invented the first airplane.
  • Thomas Edison : Invented the light bulb, phonograph, and the motion picture.
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List of Worlds Largest, Smallest, Highest, Lowest and Deepest Things


Busiest Airport : Chicago O'Hare International Airport .
Coldest Place : Vostok, Antarctica.
Coldest Planet : Neptune.
Deepest Gorge : Hell’s Canyon, USA.
Deepest Lake : Lake Baikal, Siberia.
Deepest Ocean : Pacific Ocean.
Deepest Point in the Ocean : Challenger deep of Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean.
Deepest in the World.
Driest Place : Death Valley, California.
Fastest Bird : Swift.
Fastest Land Animal : Cheetah.
Fastest Planet : Mercury.
Heaviest Rainfall : Mawsynram, India.
Highest Active Volcano : Guayathiri, Chile.
Highest Airport : Lhasa Airport, Tibet.
Highest Bridge : Milau, France.
Highest Capital City : La Paz, Bolivia.
Highest Continent : Antarctica.
Highest Lake : Titicaca, Bolivia.
Highest Mountain Peak : Mt. Everest.
Highest Mountain Peak : Mt. Everest, Nepal.


Doctors and their medical specialities.


Cardiologist - Heart doctor.
Dentist - Tooth doctor.
Dermatologist - Deals with skin problems.
Endocrinologist - Deals with the problems of thyroid and ductless glands.
Gastrologist - Deals with digestive system problems.
Nephrologist - Kidney doctor.
Neurologist - Deals with the problems of Brain and nerves.
Obstetrician - Deals with pregnancy and birth.
Oncologist- Cancer doctor.
Ophthalmologist - Eye doctor.
Pediatrician - Child doctor.
Podiatrist - Foot doctor.
Psychiatrist - Deals with mental health.
Rheumatologist - Deals with treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones.
Urologist - Deals with bladder.


The major waterfalls in Kerala


The major waterfalls in Kerala is given below.

waterfalls District .
അരിപ്പാറ കോഴിക്കോട്‌ (Kozhikkode) .
അളകാപുരി കണ്ണൂർ (Kannur) .
ആഢ്യൻപാറ മലപ്പുറം (Malappuram) .
ധോണി പാലക്കാട്‌ (Palakkad) .
അട്ടുകാട്‌ ഇടുക്കി (Idukki) .
അതിരപ്പള്ളി ത്യശൂർ (Thrissur) .
അരുവിക്കുഴി കോട്ടയം (Kottayam) .
അരുവിക്കുഴി പത്തനംതിട്ട (Pathanamthitta) .
കംഭാവുരുട്ടി കൊല്ലം (Kollam) .
കാന്തൻപാറ വയനാട്‌ (Wayanad) .
കീഴാർകൂത്ത്‌ ഇടുക്കി (Idukki) .
കൽക്കയം ത...
