Kerala PSC Science Questions and Answers 15

This page contains Kerala PSC Science Questions and Answers 15 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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281. The process of assigning IP address for specific times to the various hosts by DHCP is called as?

Answer: Lease

282. The ion mainly absorbed in the distal convoluted part of nephron—

Answer: Na+

283. Rent theory of profit was given by—

Answer: F.A. Walker

284. The branch of science that deals with tumours is—

Answer: Oncology

285. If the compression ratio in IC engine increases then its thermal efficiency will:

Answer: Increases

286. EPROM Stands for

Answer: Erasable Programmable Read only memory

287. A special text that printed at the top of each page is known as

Answer: Header

288. The best American film of all time, according to the American Film Institutes contest for 100 best films

Answer: Citizen Kane

289. NABARD stands for

Answer: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

290. Raster images are also known as:

Answer: bitmap images

291. 3-D reference in a formula ?

Answer: Spans work sheets

292. A parison is used in

Answer: Blow moulding

293. In a two roll mill the shear rate is adjusted by

Answer: both of these

294. What is height of Tibetan Plateau ?

Answer: 16000 ft

295. Focus of the lens of eye adjusted by......?

Answer: Pelliary muscles

296. ലോഹദ്യുതി ഉള്ള ലോഹം?

Answer: അയഡിൻ

297. ക്ലോറിൻ്റെ ആറ്റോമിക നമ്പർ

Answer: 17

298. ഏറ്റവും സ്ഥിരതയുളള മൂലകം ഏത്?

Answer: ലെഡ്

299. മലബാർ ബൊട്ടാണിക്കൽ ഗാർഡൻ (MBG) സ്ഥിതി ചെയ്യുന്നത് ഏത് ജില്ലയിലാണ് ?

Answer: കോഴിക്കോട്

300. പ്രാഥമിക വര്‍ണ്ണങ്ങളായ ചുവപ്പും പച്ചയും തമ്മില്‍ ചേര്‍ത്താല്‍ ലഭിക്കുന്ന വര്‍ണ്ണം ?

Answer: മഞ്ഞ

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