Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 29

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 29 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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561. ഏഷ്യയുടേയും യൂറോപ്പിന്റെയും അതിർത്തിയായി കണക്കാക്കപ്പെടുന്ന പർവ്വതനിര?

Answer: യുറാൽ

562. യൂറോപ്പിലെ ഏറ്റവും നീളം കൂടിയ നദി?

Answer: വോൾഗ

563. There are ..... lakes in Kerala

Answer: 34

564. A tributary of Krishna River :

Answer: Musi

565. Who among the social reformers of Kerala is called Sri Bhattarakan?

Answer: Chattambi Swamikal

566. By the order of the Governor' is seen in

Answer: Govt. order

567. The promotion of specific ideas or views, often political in nature

Answer: Propaganda

568. The Headquarters of WHO is located at

Answer: Geneva

569. Beyond Genocide' is a documentary based on

Answer: Bhopal Gas Tragedy

570. The command that allows us to select similarly coloured adjacent areas is:

Answer: Grow

571. Screen printing involves taking images and breaking them down to simple colors, so -- methods is better to create images.

Answer: Half tune

572. Adding or deleting space between character pairs is called

Answer: Tracking

573. Guwahati High court is the judicature of

Answer: All of the above

574. Which option tool in MS-Word is used for Synonyms and Antonyms words?

Answer: Thesaurus

575. The mother tongue of a computer is..........

Answer: Machine language

576. Who is known as Jhansi Rani of Travancore ?

Answer: Akkamma Cheriyan

577. Bagley correction is done to account for

Answer: Entry effect

578. Caprolactam disulphide is a

Answer: Sulphur donor

579. Which one has molecular level mixing?

Answer: Alloy

580. Titan" is satellite of ?

Answer: Saturn

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