Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 27

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 27 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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521. ബൃഹത് വൃത്തം എന്നറിയപ്പെടുന്ന അക്ഷാംശരേഖ?

Answer: ഭൂമധ്യരേഖ

522. ഇന്ത്യൻ സ്റ്റാൻഡേർഡ് സമയം ഗ്രീനിച്ച് സമയത്തെക്കാൾ എത്ര മുന്നിലാണ്?

Answer: 5.5 മണിക്കൂർ

523. The region known as Chirapunchi of Kerala?

Answer: Lakkidi

524. Which session of the Indian National Congress declared ''Poorna Swaraj'' as its goal?

Answer: Lahore

525. Which of the following was the first artificial satellite of the World?

Answer: Sputnik

526. Profit through customer satisfaction is the motto of --------

Answer: Modern marketing concept

527. An officer appointed by the registrar to decide a dispute is called---------

Answer: Arbitrator

528. The business of generating goodwill towards an individual, cause, company or product is

Answer: Public Relations

529. Lazlo Biro, who created the first ball-point pen, was a Hungarian

Answer: Journalist

530. The capital with which a company is registered is called the ---------

Answer: Authorized capital

531. The accounting system in all Co-operative institution is under--------

Answer: Neither single entry nor double entry but a self designed mixture of both

532. Which among the following countries launched World's longest Super-Secure Quantum Communication Line?

Answer: China

533. Who is known as the chief architect of Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution ?

Answer: Sardar Vallabha Bhai Patel

534. Name the `14^(th)` Atorny General of India.

Answer: Mukul Rohatgi

535. Printing press which uses a continuous roll of paper rather than individual precut sheets ?

Answer: Web offset Press

536. The sound heard during uniform typing is called

Answer: Rhythm

537. Who wrote the first biography of Sree Narayana Guru ?

Answer: Moorkoth Kumaran

538. The constitution of India adopted the idea of single citizenship from

Answer: British Constitution

539. Which planet is also known as Red planet ?

Answer: Mars

540. Which is most fertile region of India ?

Answer: the Indo-Gangetic plain

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