Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 33

This page contains Kerala PSC Geography Questions and Answers 33 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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641. റേഡിയോ തരംഗങ്ങൾ സഞ്ചരിക്കുന്ന അന്തരീക്ഷ മണ്ഡലം?

Answer: അയണോസ്ഫിയർ

642. ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് അക്ഷരമാലയിലെ 'S' ആകൃതിയിൽ കാണപ്പെടുന്ന സമുദ്രം?

Answer: അറ്റ്ലാന്റിക്

643. Total coastal length of Kerala

Answer: 580km

644. Bharathapuzha originates from?

Answer: Anamala

645. EPROM Stands for

Answer: Erasable Programmable Read only memory

646. Radio programme of the Prime Minister of India is named as -------

Answer: Mann ki Baath

647. In ancient Tamilakam coastal areas were known as

Answer: Naithal

648. 'Dear Sirs' is used as salutation in

Answer: Business letter

649. NABARD was established on --------- under NABARD Act, 1981

Answer: 12/07/1982

650. The main features of capitalism are -------------

Answer: All of the above

651. Who started Swadeshabhimani Newspaper?

Answer: Vakkom Abdul Khadhar Maulavi

652. The Koodamkulam Nuclear Power Plant is located in the district of

Answer: Tirunelveli

653. The first female president of Basket Ball federation of India is.........

Answer: Poonam Mahajan

654. Which is the Cochin State legislative Assembly came into existence in 1925?

Answer: Cochi Prajamandalam

655. Badira Vilapam' written by

Answer: Vallathole

656. Which input device can not be used to work in MS - OFFICE ?

Answer: Joy Stick

657. Which of the following is commonly use to estimate crystallinity?

Answer: X ray

658. For a 70/30 NR/PE blend which phase morphology is more probable?

Answer: NR is continuous phase

659. Which are the main gases present in Sun ?

Answer: Hydrogen and Helium

660. Baluchistan Plateau is in ?

Answer: Pakistan

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