Tips and Ticks Divisibility Rule

Tips and Ticks Divisibility Rule

  • What is the divisibility by 2 Rule?
    • Even numbers are multiples of 2. A number is even if ends in 0,2,4,6, or 8.
  • What is the divisibility by 3 rule?
    • A number is divisible by 3 if the sum of its digits is divisible by 3.
    • 372, for instance, is divisible by 3 since sum of its digits (3+7+2) is 12. And 12 is divisible by 3.
  • What is the divisibility by 4 rule?
    • A number is divisible by 4 if the number\'s  last two digits are divisible by 4
    • 9,312, for instance, is divisible by 4 since its last 2 digits are 12. And 12 is divisible by 4.
  • What is the divisibility by 5 rule?
    • A number is divisible by 5 if its last digit is a 0 or 5.
  • What is the divisibility by 6 rule?
    • Since 6 is a multiple of 2 and 3, the rules for divisibility by 6 are a combination of the rule for 2 and the rule for   3.
  • Divisibility by 8 Rule
    • A number passes the test for 8 if the last three digits form a number is divisible 8.
  • Divisibility by 9 Rule
    •  A number is divisible by 9 if the sum of the digits are evenly divisible 9.
  •  Divisibility by 10 Rule
    •   A number passes the test for 10 if its final digit is 0
Ranks in the Army

കരസേനയിലെ റാങ്കുകൾ.  Code: ജലജ മേജർ ജനറലിനോട് ബിയറിനായി കേണു എൽ സി.ക്ക് മേജറിന്റെ ക്യാപ് ലഭിച്ചു. .

1. ജ : ജനറൽ.

2. ലജ : ലഫ്. ജനറൽ.

3. മേജർ ജനറൽ : മേജർ ജനറൽ.

4. ബിയർ : ബ്രിഗേഡിയർ.

5. കേണു : കേണൽ.

6. L. C : ലഫ്.കേണൽ.

7. മേജർ : മേജർ.

8. ക്യാപ് : ക്യാപ്ടൺ.

9. ലഭിച്ചു : ലഫ്റ്റനന്റ്.

ഇന്ത്യൻ കരസേനയുടെ ഗാനം: മേരാ ഭാരത് മഹാൻ.
ഇന്ത്യൻ സായ...


Important Maths Formulas ( പ്രധാനപ്പെട്ട ഗണിത സൂത്രവാക്യങ്ങൾ )

Important Maths Formulas .

(a ± b) 2 = a 2 ± 2ab + b 2 .

(a + b + c) 2 = a 2 + b 2 + c 2 + 2(ab + bc + ca).

(a + b + c + d) 2 = a 2 + b 2 + c 2 + d 2 + 2(ab + ac + ad + bc + bd + cd) .

Geometry formulas .

Perimeter ( ചുറ്റളവ് ) .

Perimeter of a square: P=4a.

    a: length of one side.

Perimeter of a rectangle: P=2(l+w).

    l: length.

    w: width.

Perimeter of a triangle: P=a+b+c.

    a, b, and c: lengths of the 3 sides.

Area ( വിസ്തീര്‍ണ്ണം ) .


Average calculation

N = the number of terms  .

S = the sum of the numbers in the set.

Average = S/N .

For example.

The marks of a student in five subjects are 96, 94, 92, 87, and 81, then what is the average score of the student?.

N = 5.

S = 96 + 94 + 92 + 87 + 81 = 450.

A = 450/5 = 90.

Another type questions .

1). There are 36 boys and 44 girls in a class. The average score of boys is 40 and girls are 35. Then what will be the average mark? .

Total mark of 36 boys = 36 x 40 = 1440.

Total mark of 44 girls = 35 x 44 = 1540.

Total mark of 80 Students = 1440 + 1540 = 2980 .

Average mark of the class = (2980 / 80).

