Kerala PSC English Grammar Questions and Answers 3

This page contains Kerala PSC English Grammar Questions and Answers 3 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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41. Person having profound knowledge:

Answer: scholar

42. The word 'clandestine' means :

Answer: secret

43. Pick out the singular form from the given words.

Answer: radius

44. Which is correctly spelt ?

Answer: lieutenant

45. Statutory means

Answer: fixed or controlled by law

46. ‘A person who abstains from all kinds of alcoholic drinks’ is called a—

Answer: Teetotaller

47. The patient ---------before the doctor arrived

Answer: Had died

48. Fill in the space with suitable connector chosen from those given below. There will be commercialisation of people’s knowledge ………….. will benefit the middle class.

Answer: who

49. You really need a car in this city to ________.

Answer: get by

50. "Do you like coffee?" she said - change this sentence into indirect speech?

Answer: She asked me whether I liked coffee

51. The problem was....... difficult that I could not solve it

Answer: so

52. My uncle’s car is much __________ than my father’s.

Answer: faster

53. I am pale,---------------?

Answer: .Aren’t I

54. The synonym of plagiarize is:

Answer: counterfeit

55. The word `Sub rosa` means?

Answer: insecret

56. Choose the correct reported form of the following sentence: “Did you have your lunch?”,Mother told the child.

Answer: Mother asked the child whether he had his lunch

57. There has been no rain for the last couple of weeks,.......?

Answer: has there

58. One who retires from society to lead a solitary life

Answer: Hermit

59. One who does not know how to save money is called ________

Answer: Spendthrift

60. Use the collective noun: Fish

Answer: school of fishes

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