Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 35

This page contains Kerala PSC Environment Questions and Answers 35 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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681. In which district, Athirappally-Vazhachal waterfalls located

Answer: Thrissur

682. ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും വലിയ തേക്കുമരം എവിടെയാണ് ?

Answer: പറമ്പികുളം

683. അതിരപ്പള്ളി വാഴച്ചാൽ വെള്ളച്ചാട്ടങ്ങൾ ഇതു പുഴയിലാണ്‌ ?

Answer: ചാലക്കുടിപ്പുഴ

684. അന്തരീക്ഷത്തിലെ താഴ്ന്ന ഊഷ്മാവ് എത് മണ്ഡലത്തിലാണ്?

Answer: മിസോസ്ഫിയർ

685. The region known as Chirapunchi of Kerala?

Answer: Lakkidi

686. Which is the western boundary of Kerala state?

Answer: Arabian Sea

687. ASCII stands for

Answer: American Standard Code for Information Interchange

688. An officer appointed by the registrar to decide a dispute is called---------

Answer: Arbitrator

689. All India Rural Credit Review Committee was appointed in ----------

Answer: 1969

690. German actress Ursula Patzschke is the worlds first

Answer: Television announcer

691. An officer appointed by the registrar to decide a dispute is called---------

Answer: Arbitrator

692. Printing technique using toner such as a laser printer or photocopier is called

Answer: Xerography

693. Name the binding process in which individual leaves are glued together along the spine ?

Answer: Adhesive binding

694. The word 'Ebola' means

Answer: Black River

695. "Poorna Swaraj" was announced in the Indain National Congress session of

Answer: Lahore

696. Jananee Nava Ratna Manjari is written by

Answer: Sree Narayana Guru

697. Very thin paper is called

Answer: Manifold paper

698. Tear strength is optimum at

Answer: Slight under cure

699. Which rubber gives high tear resistance?

Answer: NR

700. The Radcliffe line is a boundary between ?

Answer: India and Pakistan

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