Kerala PSC Current affairs Questions and Answers 26

This page contains Kerala PSC Current affairs Questions and Answers 26 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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501. IIFC [India Infrastructure Finance Company] യുടെ പുതിയ മാനേജിങ് ഡയറക്ടർ ?

Answer: പങ്കജ് ജെയിൻ

502. Who has been appointed MD and CEO of Union Bank of India in July 2017?

Answer: Rajkiran Rai G

503. Who is the author of the book ‘Dalhousie…Through My Eyes’?

Answer: Kiran Chadha

504. Which state has become the India’s first state to launch free injectable contraceptive for women?

Answer: Maharashtra

505. Which country has officially shuttered its consulate in Jerusalem?

Answer: United States

506. Who led the Indian delegation at the first-ever India-Japan Space Dialogue in New Delhi?

Answer: Indra Mani pandey

507. Who is the present Chairman of the Union Public Service Commission?

Answer: Arvind Saxena

508. ദാരിദ്ര്യരേഖയ്‌ക്ക് താഴെയുള്ള വനിതകള്‍ക്ക് മൊബൈല്‍ ഫോണ്‍ സൗജന്യമായി നല്‍കാന്‍ തീരുമാനിച്ച സംസ്ഥാനം -

Answer: രാജസ്ഥാന്‍

509. ISRO has successfully launched military satellite 'Microsat-R' from which launch vehicle? (Marks: 0)

Answer: PSLV - C44

510. Who is the head of Lokpal search panel to select members of anti-corruption ombudsman Lokpal?

Answer: Ranjanna prakash Desai

511. Who has become the youngest batsman to smack a half-century in international cricket?

Answer: Rohit paudel

512. Who won the 2019 El Salvador presidential election?

Answer: Nayib Bukele

513. On which date, the National Unani Day (NUD-2019) was celebrated in India?

Answer: February 11

514. Where is the headquarters of National Federation of Indian Railwaymen (NFIR)?

Answer: New Delhi

515. The first-ever Skill Saathi Youth Conclave has launched in which of the following cities?

Answer: Bhubaneswar

516. Where is the headquarters of National Centre for Good Governance (NCGG)?

Answer: New Delhi

517. 47-മത് കേരള സംസ്ഥാന ചലച്ചിത്ര അവാർഡിൽ മികച്ച നടനായി തെരെഞ്ഞെടുക്കപ്പെട്ടത് ആരെയാണ് ?

Answer: വിനായകൻ ടി.കെ

518. International Ayurveda research Institute to be set up in which district of Kerala .

Answer: Kannur

519. 2021 ലെ കേരള നിയമസഭാ തിരഞ്ഞെടുപ്പിൽ ഏറ്റവും ഉയർന്ന ഭൂരിപക്ഷം നേടിയ കെ കെ ശൈലജ ടീച്ചർ ഏത് മണ്ഡലത്തിൽ ആയിരുന്നു മത്സരിച്ചത് ?

Answer: മട്ടന്നൂർ

520. Who has topped the IMD's World Competitiveness Index 2021?

Answer: Switzerland

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