Combinations and Permutations Combinations and Permutations

Combinations and PermutationsCombinations and Permutations

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Permutation and combination related questions are common in PSC and Bank exams.

Before going to Combinations and Permutations, first lean about factorial.

If \'n\' is a positive integer then, factorial of n is denoted as n!.

5! = ( 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 ) = 120

4! = (1 x 2 x 3 x 4 ) = 24

Permutations are for lists of items, whose order matters and combinations are for group of items where order doesn’t matter. in other words,

  • When the order of items doesn\'t matter, it is called as Combination.
  • When the order of items does matter it is called as Permutation.

The number of permutations of n objects taken r at a time is determined by using this formula:


Permutation: Listing your 3 favourite football team in order, from list of 10 teams. P(10,3) = 720.

The number of combinations of n objects taken r at a time is determined by using this formula:


Combination: Picking a team of 3 people from a football coaching group of 10. C(10,3) = 10!(3!(10−3)!) = 120.

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IT And Cyber Law


Cyberlaw (also referred to as cyberlaw) is a term used to describe the legal issues related to use of communications technology, i.e. the Internet. Cyberlaw can also be described as that branch of law that deals with legal issues related to using of inter-networked information technology. In short, cyber law is the law governing computers and the internet.

IT Act 2000 .

Enacted on - 9 June 2000.
Came into force on - 17 October 2000.
13 chapters, 94 sections, 4 schedules.
President – KR Narayanan, PM - AB Vajpayee .
IT Act 2008 (Amendment) .

Enacted on - 23 December 2008.
Came into force on - 27 October 2009.
14 chapters, 124 sections (now 119), 2 schedules.

firstRectAdvt Important Sections .

Section 43 Virus attacks/cause damage to computer .
Section 499 Sending defamatory messages .


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Countries and their meanings


Algeria - Land of Algiers .
Argentina - Silvery Land .
Australia - Southern Land.
Austria - Eastern March.
Bahamas - The Shallows .
Bahrain - The Two Seas.
Belarus - White Russia.
Burkina Faso - Land of Honest Men.
Cameroon - Shrimp River.
Cape Verde - Green Cape .
Colombia - Land of Columbus .
Comoros - Moons.
Costa Rica - Rich Coast.
Dominica - Sunday Island .
Ecuador - Equator .
Eritrea - Land of the Red Sea .
Ethiopia - Land of the Blacks.
Guatemala - Place of Many Trees .
Guyana - Land of Many Waters .
Haiti - mountainous land .
India - Land of the Indus River .
Indonesia - Indian Islands .
Iran - Land of the Aryans .
Japan - Land of the Rising Sun .
Jordan - river Jorda...
