Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has given an employment notification for the recruitment of 32 Marketing Officer (Group I), Specialist Grade-III (Bio Chemistry), Assistant Chemist vacancies for Physically Challenged Persons with disability candidates.
Vacancy Details:
Total No. of Posts: 32
1. Marketing Officer (Group I): 28 Posts
2. Specialist Grade-III (Bio Chemistry): 03 Posts
3. Assistant Chemist: 01 Post
Age Limit: Candidates age should be 30 years for post 1 and 3, 40 years for post 2. Age relaxation is applicable as per rules.
Educational Qualification: Candidates should have Master Degree in Agriculture or Botany or Agricultural Economics or Agricultural Marketing or Economics or Commerce with Economics from a recognized University with 2 years experience for post-1, A recognized MBBS degree qualification included in the first or second schedule or part II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council and PG Degree in the concerned specialty or Super- Specialty that is Doctor of Medicine (Bio-Chemistry) or Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery with Master of Science (Medical Bio-Chemistry) or Master of Science (Medical Bio-Chemistry) with Doctor of Philosophy (Medical Bio- Chemistry) or Master of Science (Medical Bio-Chemistry) with Doctor of Science (Medical Bio Chemistry) for post-2, Master Degree in Chemistry or Agriculture Chemistry or Soil Science from a recognized University/ Institute or equivalent for post-3.
Selection Process: Candidates will be selected based on Recruitment test followed by an interview.
Fee: No fee for SC/ ST/ PH/ Women candidates of any community. Candidates should have to pay Rs. 25/- only either by remitting the money in any branch of the SBI by cash or by using net banking facility of the SBI or by using visa/master credit/debit card.
Instructions to apply :
1. Before applying, candidates should have to scan the copies of photograph, signature & relevant documents.
2. Log on to the website www.upsconline.nic.in.
3. Click on Online Recruitment Application (ORA) for various Recruitment Posts.
4. Select the desired post.
5. Click on New Registration.
6. Fill all the details & submit the form.
7. Take a printout of online application form for future use.
Important Dates:
Last Date to Apply Online: 10-08-2017 by 23:59 hrs.
Last Date for Receipt of Printing of Online Application: 11-08-2017 by 23:59 hrs.