Kerala PSC Welfare Officer Grade 2 Shortlist 2020 Kerala PSC Welfare Officer Grade 2 Shortlist 2020

Kerala PSC Welfare Officer Grade 2 Shortlist 2020

Welfare Officer Grade 2 Short List 2020 124/2018

The following is the Short List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be called for interview, subject to the verification of the Original documents, for selection to the post of WELFARE OFFICER GR II - STATEWIDE (Category No. 124/2018 ) in JAIL on 39500 - 83000 on the basis of the OMR held on 30-08-2019.

TThe Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way, indicate their respective rank on the basis of the said test. Kerala PSC Welfare Officer Grade 2 actual Short List, Welfare Officer Grade 2 cut-off marks is available below.

District Name

Welfare Officer Grade 2 cut-off marks

Welfare Officer Grade 2 cut-off marks

Kerala PSC Welfare Officer Grade 2 Cutoff 59.33 Download Welfare Officer Grade 2 Short List

Inclusion of Register Numbers in this list is purely provisional subject to scrutiny and admission of application on absolute basis. Inclusion of Register numbers in the Probability List does not confer any right on the candidate for inclusion in the Ranked List.

Last Updated: 2020-09-16 06:56:58