Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade 2 Answer Key Question Paper 2018 Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade 2 Answer Key Question Paper 2018

Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade 2 Answer Key Question Paper 2018

Kerala Public Service Commission has conducted the OMR examination of Staff Nurse Grade 2 Medical Education 328/2017 various districts on February 03, 2018 at various examination centers to hire the eligible staff.

The question paper and answer key of Staff Nurse Grade 2 Medical Education 2018 ( exam date 03/02/2018 ) are provided below. There is total 100 multiple type questions in OMR Examination, the mark allotted to each correct answer is 1 and 1/3 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. You can find url to download Question paper and Answer Key of Kerala PSC Staff Nurse Grade 2 Medical Education Exam. Category numbers are 515/17, 514/17, 450/17, 449/17, 448/17, 447/17 and 249/17.

Staff Nurse Grade 2 Medical Education Answer key 2018

Staff Nurse Grade 2 Medical Education (515/17, 514/17, 450/17, 449/17, 448/17, 447/17 and 249/17.) exam, question paper answer key exams are done on Today (February 03, 2018) provided below.

About Kerala Health Services

Kerala's achievements in the health sector have been often cited as role models for the country. Some of its health indices match with that of the developed countries. The State has a better health standard with low birth and death rate, rapidly declining growth rate, high level of acceptance of family planning methods and increased life expectancy. Government of Kerala's patient- friendly hospital mission AARDRAM provides quality services at all health levels. Accordingly, it is envisaged to convert primary health centres into family health centres in a phased manner in order to deliver effective family centred health services.

Under all major indicators, Kerala has already achieved what the country has targeted for achieving 'Health for all by 2000 AD'. Kerala's achievements in the health sector have been often cited as role models for the country. Some of its health indices match with that of the developed countries. The State has a better health standard with low birth and death rate, rapidly declining growth rate, high level of acceptance of family planning methods and increased life expectancy. Patient-friendly hospital mission ARDRAM provides quality services at all health levels. Accordingly, it has been envisaged to convert primary health centres into family health centres in a phased manner, in order to deliver effective family centered health services. For more information, visit:

Some of the Duties of Staff Nurse

The Staff nurse is responsible for the complete nursing care of the patient assigned to her. The following duties would be shared with nursing students, if any and auxiliary staff such as nursing orderlies, ward boys, ayas, and sweepers as the situation warrants.

  1. Admission and discharge of patient.
  2. Assistance and instructions to patient and their relations.
  3. Bathing patients including daily care of mouth, nails and pressure points.
  4. Four hourly, or more frequent attention to pressure points.
  5. Giving and removing of bed pans and urine pots.
  6. Giving and removing of hot water bottle.
  7. Bed making.
  8. Feeding of patients.
  9. Distribution of diets, milk etc.
  10. Preparation of special feeds, eggs, milk etc.
  11. nursing care of patients.
  12. Administration of medicine.
  13. Administration of injections.
  14. Assistance in administration of I/u injection.
  15. Preparation of injections and clearing up.
  16. Recording of medicines injection given.
  17. Talaing and charling I.P.R.
  18. Rounds with doctor.
  19. Technical procedure e.g. enema catheterization, dressings irrigations O2 therapy, preparing for and clearing up after procedure.
  20. Preparation for and assistance in clinical tests and medical procedure.
  21. Pre and postoperative care.
  22. Urine testing.
  23. Collecting labeling and dispatching of specimens.
  24. Escorting patients to and from departments.
  25. Giving and receiving reports.

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Last Updated: 2018-02-04 23:10:17