Kerala PSC Maths Questions and Answers 40

This page contains Kerala PSC Maths Questions and Answers 40 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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781. Two numbers are in the ratio 2 : 3. lf eight is added to both the number ratio becomes 3 : 4. Then the numbers are

Answer: 16,24

782. ക്ലോക്കിലെ സമയം 7.20 ആകുമ്പോൾ സൂചികൾ തമ്മിലുള്ള കോണളവ് എത്രയാണ്

Answer: 80°

783. Delhi : India :: Tehran:?

Answer: Iran

784. ഒരു ത്രികോണത്തിന്‍റെ ഒരു വശത്തിന്‍റെ നീളം 60 സെന്‍റിമീറ്ററും അതിന്‍റെ എതിര്‍മൂലയില്‍ നിന്നു ആ വശത്തേക്കുള്ള ലംബദൂരം 25 സെന്‍റിമീറ്ററും ആയാല്‍ പരപ്പളവ് എത്ര ?

Answer: 750 ച.സെ.മീ

785. 40 കുട്ടികളുള്ള ഒരു സംഘത്തിലെ ശരാശരി വയസ് 14.16 വയസുകാരൻ പോയി മറ്റൊരാൾ വന്നപ്പോൾ ശരാശരി 1/4 വയസ് കുറഞ്ഞു.പുതുതായി വന്ന ആളുടെ വയസ് എത്ര?

Answer: 6

786. A man is facing East, then the turns left and goes 10 m, then turns right and goes 5 m, then goes 5 m to the South and from there 5 m to West. In which direction is he, from his original place ?

Answer: North

787. A word is given in capital letters. It is followed by four words. Out of these four words, three cannot be formed from the letters of the word in capital letters. Point out the word which can be formed from the letters of the given word in capital letters— ARCHITECTURE

Answer: UREA

788. A bicycle is sold for Rs.1800 at a loss of 10%.What is the cost price?

Answer: .2000

789. If a  stands for +,  stands for x,  stands for <,  stands for = ,  stands for -,  stands for ÷ ,  stands for > Find out the correct choice: 1. 15  3  72251 2. 15  372251 3. 15372251 4. 15372251

Answer: 3

790. Define a*b=2a+2b-ab, a and b are any two numbers, if 3*x = 4 then x is :

Answer: 4

791. A boat goes 24 km upstream and 28 km downstream in 6 hrs. It goes 30 km upstream and 21 km downstream in 6 hrs and 30 minutes. The speed of the boat in still water is:

Answer: 10 km/h

792. A motorboat went the river for 14 km and then up the river for 9 km. If took a total of 5 hrs the entire journey. Find the speed of the river flow if the speed of the boat in still water is 5 km/h.

Answer: 2 km/h

793. A boy divided the numbers 7654, 8506 and 9997 by a certain largest number and he gets same remainder in each case. What is the common remainder?

Answer: 199

794. . Ten years ago, R was half of S in age. If the ratio of their present ages is 3:4, what will be the total of their present ages?

Answer: 35

795. Speed of a man is 10 km/h in still water. If the rate of current is 3 km/h, then the effective speed of the man upstream is:

Answer: 7 km/h

796. ആറ് മണികൾ യഥാക്രമം 2,4,6,8,10,12 സെക്കന്റ് ഇടവേളകളിൽ മുഴങ്ങുന്നു.30 മിനിറ്റിൽ ഇവ ഒരുമിച്ച് എത്ര തവണ മുഴങ്ങും?

Answer: 16

797. . In a row of boys Manu who is 8th from the left and Siju who is 9th from the right interchange their seats. Now Manu becomes 15th from left. How many boys are there in the row ?

Answer: 23

798. Find the odd man out. 3, 5, 15, 75, 1120, 84375

Answer: 1120

799. . K+2 , 4K-6 , 3K-2 എന്നിവ ഒരു സമാന്തര ശ്രേണി യിലെ തുടര്‍ച്ച യായ മൂന്നു പദ ങ്ങ ളാ യാല്‍ K യുടെ വില എന്ത ്?

Answer: 3

800. ആദ്യത്തെ എ ത്ര എണ്ണല്‍ സംഖ്യകളുടെ തുകയാണ ് 105?

Answer: 14

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