Kerala PSC Science Questions and Answers 38

This page contains Kerala PSC Science Questions and Answers 38 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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741. Transport layer of OSI model lies between Network and ___________ layer

Answer: Session

742. The Community Development Programme (CDP) was started in India on—

Answer: 2nd October, 1952

743. തെക്കേ അമേരിക്കയിലെ ഏറ്റവും നീളം കൂടിയ നദി?

Answer: ആമസോൺ

744. Atomic power plant works on the principle of

Answer: fission

745. Length of Periyar?

Answer: 244km

746. Which among the following rays help to detect forged bank notes in shops?

Answer: UV rays

747. Glass is made from the mixture of

Answer: Sand and Silicates

748. Which part of the typewriter helps to avoid the contact of the paper with oily parts of the typewriter?

Answer: Paper table

749. The main features of capitalism are -------------

Answer: All of the above

750. Selection is considered as a ----------- process

Answer: Negative

751. International Yoga Day celebrates on

Answer: June 21

752. Who among the following was the Divan of Travancore during the Vaikkom Satyagraha?

Answer: T. Raghavaiah

753. Which is the longest continental mountain range in the world ?

Answer: The Andes

754. കോൾ ഗ്യാസ് ഏതിന്റെയെല്ലാം മിശ്രിതമാണ്?

Answer: കാർബൺ മോണോക്സൈഡ്, ഹൈഡ്രജൻ, മീഥേൻ

755. The difference between isotopes of `an element is due to the presence of a different number of?

Answer: protons & neutrons

756. A device used to detect heat radiation is known as

Answer: Thermocouple

757. ആറ്റത്തിലെ ഭാരം കൂടിയ കണം ഏത്

Answer: ന്യൂട്രോണ്‍

758. താഴെ പറയുന്നതില്‍ പഞ്ചസാര യില്‍ അടങ്ങിയിട്ടില്ലാത്ത മൂലകം?

Answer: നൈട്രജന്‍

759. Amount of water in the atmosphere is known as:

Answer: Humidity

760. ദ്രവ്യത്തിൻറെ ആറാമത്തെ അവസ്ഥ

Answer: ഫെർമിയോണിക് കണ്ടൻസേറ്റ്

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