Kerala PSC GK Questions and Answers 15

This page contains Kerala PSC GK Questions and Answers 15 for psc exam preparations in Malayalam and English.

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281. ആമുഖത്തെ ഭരണഘടനയുടെ തിരിച്ചറിയൽ കാർഡ് എന്ന് വിശേഷിപ്പിച്ചത്

Answer: N. A . പാൽക്കിവാല

282. ആമുഖത്തെ ഇന്ത്യയുടെ രാഷ്ട്രീയ ജാതകം എന്ന് വിശേഷിപ്പിച്ചത് ആര്

Answer: K. M. Munshi

283. Saccharin, a substance 375 times sweeter than sugar is obtained from

Answer: Toluene, occurring in Coal tar

284. The constitution of India enables the independent and unbiased nature of audit by comptroller and Auditor General of India by providing;

Answer: Both (a) and (b)

285. -Tsai Ing-wen elected as the first female President of

Answer: Taiwan

286. A family consists of two grandparents, two parents and three grandchildren. The average age of the grandparents is 67 years, that of the parents is 35 years and that of the grandchildren is 6 years. The average age of the family is

Answer: 31.71 years

287. Thr headquarters of Reserve Bank in Kerala ?

Answer: Thiruvananthapuram

288. Barrister G.P.Pillai who was mentioned by Mahatma Gandhi in his autobiography was the editor of:

Answer: Madras Standard

289. ലോകത്തിലെ ഏറ്റവും ഉയരം കൂടിയ പർവ്വതനിര?

Answer: ഹിമാലയം

290. On July 10, 2017, Finance Minister Arun Jaitley launched a new income tax payer e-service module called:

Answer: Aaykar Setu

291. Where is Jose Maria Cordova International Airport located?

Answer: Colombia

292. A walks 10 metres in front and 10 metres to the right. Then every time turning to his left, he walks 5, 5 and 15 metres respectively. How far is the now from his starting point ?

Answer: 5 metres

293. Which is known as “Dog Star”

Answer: Sirius

294. `മാരിചവിദ്യ` ഈ ശൈലിയുടെ അര്‍ത്ഥമെന്ത്?

Answer: കപടതന്ത്രം

295. ഒടിഞ്ഞു വീണു ഇവിടെ അടിവരയിട്ടിരിക്കുന്നത് ഏത് വിനയെച്ചവിഭാഗത്തില്‍പ്പെടുന്നു?

Answer: മുന്‍വിനയെച്ചം

296. Through which process Sulphur is produced?

Answer: Frasch process

297. Which among the following was the launch vehicle successfully placed the 100th satelite of ISRO, Cartosat -2 in the orbit?

Answer: PSLV - C 40

298. 'DTP' computer abbreviation usually means:

Answer: Desk Top Publishing

299. Rasabharathi is the authored by

Answer: Vedabhandu

300. Which continent is also known as Dark Continent ?

Answer: Africa

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