The following Driver Cum Office Attendant Rank List, is the list of candidates for selection to the post of DRIVER CUM OFFICE ATTENDANT (MEDIUM/HEAVY PASSENGER/GOODS VEHICLE) in the scale of pay as prescribed for the post by the concerned organization in VARIOUS GOVT. OWNED COMPANIES/ CORPORATIONS/ BOARDS, found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit on the basis of OMR test held on 02/08/2019 and Practical Test (Test and Road Test) This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 28/04/2022.
The following is the Kerala PSC Driver Cum Office Attendant rank list 2022 / Probability List containing the Register Numbers of candidates who are found provisionally eligible to be included in the Ranked list, subject to the verification of the Original documents, for selection to the post of Driver Cum Office Attendant. The Register Numbers are arranged in their numerical sequence and the arrangement does not in any way, indicate their respective rank on the basis of the said test. The candidates whose numbers are included in Short list / Probability List are directed to be present for verification of original documents as per schedule published in notification.
Post Name | Download Rank list |
Driver Cum Office Attendant ( Medium/Heavy Passenger/ Goods Vehicle) Category No. : 129/2018 | Download Driver Cum Office Attendant rank list |
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