Kerala PSC published Kerala Financial Corporation Assistant Rank List 2021 and available to download below. Assistant Kerala Financial Corporation Category No 004/2019 rank list of candidates for selection to the post of ASSISTANT on Rs.15700-33400 in KERALA FINANCIAL CORPORATION, found suitable by the Commission and arranged in the order of merit on the marks obtained in the OMR Test held on 19.10.2019. This Ranked List is brought into force with effect from 12.01.2021
Click here to download the Kerala Financial Corporation Assistant Rank List 2021.
The Kerala Financial Corporation Assistant Rank List The Ranked List will be in force till the publication of the new Ranked List after the expiry of a minimum period of one year or till the expiry of three years whichever is earlier . Candidates from the Ranked List will be advised for appointment in accordance with the rules and orders regarding reservation and rotation as amended from time to time, if applicable, against vacancies reported to the Commission during the pendancy of the Ranked List. As the advice for appointment depends on the occurance of vacancies there is no gauarantee that all the candidates included in the Ranked List will secure appointment. The candidates remaining in the Ranked List at the time of cancellation will have no claim at all for appointment on the basis of the inclusion of their names in the Kerala Financial Corporation Assistant Rank List.
The A part and B part of OMR scripts will be destroyed after completing 6 months period from the date of finalisation of Kerala Financial Corporation Assistant Rank List List, i.e. on 18/07/2021