The UGC Net Exam December 2018 application date is starts from 01-September-2018. The registration for UGC National Eligibility Test (NET) scheduled to start from September 01, 2018. and the Candidates can submit the application form will be open for a month. The last date to submit the form is September 30, 2018. UGC NET is a national level exam which is conducted for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Assistant Professor only or Junior Research Fellowship & Eligibility for Assistant Professor Both in Indian Universities and Colleges.
As per now only the exam date has been changed. The exam pattern and syllabus for the UGC NET will be same as last year. The exam will be held in more than one sitting, hence, the candidates will need to choose one slot for appearing for the test. UGC NET will be the first exam which will be conducted by NTA. The examinations for all candidates will be conducted in online (computer based) mode only.