RRC Group D Syllabus 2018 is available in below paragraphs. The board of Railway Recruitment Cell (RRC) releases the syllabus for RRC Group D posts. Candidates can download the RRC Group D Detailed Syllabus 2018 and prepare for the RRC Group D posts like Trackman, Helper posts, exam pattern.official site www.rrcb.gov.in.
Railway Group D Exam Pattern
The RRC Group D selection will be based on 3 stages as follows:
The exam was objective type and it consists of multiple choice questions. Totally the exam contains 100 questions. the time duration was 90 minutes. Total RRC group D was 100 Marks. The board contains 1/3 negative mark for each wrong answer.
The Computer Based Test will comprise of four subjects.
(1) Simplification
BODMAS, Approx Value, Square Root, Percentage, Fractions, Reciprocals of Numbers, Decimals and Surds and Indices
(2) Data Interpretation
Tabular Graph, Pie Chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph.
(3) Algebra
Identities, Linear Equation in 1 Variable, Linear Equation in 2 Variable, Quadratic Equation, Polynomials, Unit digit, Linear inequalities and Functions
(4) Percentages
Calculation-oriented basic percentage.
(5) Number System
LCM and HCF, Divisibility and Remainder, Integers and Rational and Irrational numbers
(6) Averages
Average Weight/Height/Age/Marks, Average Money Expenditure, Average Temperature etc.
(7) Ratio and Proportion
Simple Ratios, Compound Ratios, Direct or Indirect Proportion, Componendo or Dividendo, Fourth Proportional, Third Proportional, Age, Mean Proportional
(8) Mixture Problems
Problems on making a mixture of two or more entities/mixtures.
(9) Mensuration
Areas & volume of Square, Rectangle, Circle or Semi Circle, Triangle, Rhombus, Trapezium, Parallelogram, Cone, Cylinder, Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, Right Prism, Tetrahedron, Pyramid.
(10) Time and Work
Work Efficiency, Work and Wages, Pipes and Cistern
(11) Speed Time and Distance
Partial Speed, Relative Speed, Average Speed, Boat and River, Problem on Trains.
(12) Interest
Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Combined problems on SI & CI.
(13) Profit and Loss
Dishonest Dealings, Successive Selling, Partnership, Discount and Marked Price and Mixture Problems.
(14) Number Series
Problems on Completing the Series, Finding the Missing Term, Finding the Wrong Term.
(15) Geometry
Basic problems on Triangles, Congruence & Similarity. Theorems on Segments, Tangents & Chords. Basic Qs on different types of Quadrilaterals. and Co-ordinate Geometry
(16) Trigonometry
Identities, Functions, Heights and Distances, Max and Min value, Circular Measure of Angles.
(17) Probability
Basic problems on probability.
General Intelligence & Reasoning
(1) Analogy
The analogy can be Letter based, Letter and Number based, Meaning-Based, GK based, Image Based and based on members of a group.
(2) Series
Alphabetic Series, Number Series, Mixed Series, General Knowledge Series.
(3) Coding and Decoding
Coding and decoding by letter shifting, Coding and decoding in fictitious language, Coding letter of a word, Operation based on place value, Coding by analogy.
(4) Puzzles
Quant-based puzzle, Logical puzzle (Equation insert, BODMAS rule, Inequality, Coded logic), Seating Arrangement (Circular Arrangement, Linear Arrangement), Scheduling, Double Line up, Clock Calendar.
(5) Direction & Distance
Route & network-based problems.
(6) Blood Relation
General blood relation problems, Family tree problems, Coded blood relation problems.
(7) Alphabet & Word Test
Sequence (Logical order, Dictionary order, Reverse dictionary order), New word by adding prefix, New word by adding Suffix, Jumble words (Find odd one, Unjumble words), Matrix, Word formation (New word formed, Word cannot be formed)
(8) Venn Diagram
Logical Venn Diagram, Venn diagram problem, Syllogism.
(9) Missing Number
Matrix & diagram related problems.
(10) Non-Verbal Reasoning
Assemble Image, Mirror Image, Hidden Image, Completion of Incomplete Pattern, Cubes and Dice (Construction of Boxes, Problems on Dice), Paper Folding and Cutting, Missing Term, Counting Figures.
(11) Classification
Letter based, Letter and number based, Meaning based, General knowledge-based, Image Based, Number based.
(12) Verbal Reasoning
Statements and Conclusions, Statements and Inferences, Statements and Assumptions, Assertion and Reason, Course of Action, Statements and Arguments.
General Awareness & Current Affairs
(1) Current Affairs
Art and Culture, Awards and Honors, Business and Economy, Books and Authors, Committees and Recommendations. National Affairs, People in News, Places in News, Defense news, Days and Events, Government Policies and Schemes, Sports, Capitals and Currencies, Appointments and Resignations.
(2) Geography
Indian Geography (National Park & Centuries, Wildlife Centuries etc.)
(3) History
Indian Freedom Struggle, Ancient History, Medieval History, Post Independence History.
(4) Polity
Constitution of India, Government Portfolios etc.
(5) Economics
Indian Economy, Economic Organizations, World Economy, Business, Economic Theory, Economic Reforms.
(6) Miscellaneous Topics
Art and Culture, Awards and Honors, Places in News, Books and Authors, Committees and Recommendation, Sports, Environment, Banking Awareness, Science & Technology, Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies.
General Science
The general science subject includes questions from Physics, Chemistry & Life Science of the 10th standard level. These questions basically test your knowledge of everyday observation and experience in scientific aspect.
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