The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the notification for the civil service exam (CSE) 2022. The notification includes the details on the application window, eligibility criteria, exam pattern and the number of vacancies. A total of 861 vacancies has been notified by the commission. Those Candidates who are Interested to the following vacancy and completed all Eligibility Criteria can read the notification & apply online. The application process will remain open till 6 p.m. February 22. The number of vacancies to be filled through the examination is expected to be approximately 861 which include 34 vacancies reserved for persons with benchmark disability category.
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The UPSC has released the Indian Forest Service (IFS) Examination 2020 notification on February 12, 2020. The IFS (preliminary) notification was released through the Civil Service (Preliminary) Examination 2020. Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has given a notification for the recruitment of Indian Forest Service Exam 2020 Advt No-06/2020-IFoS . UPSC IFS Exam 2020-21 Time Table is announced and available below.
UPSC invites online application for Indian Forest Service Examination – 110 Vacancies. The last date of UPSC Forest Service Exam is 6 March 2018. The candidate must hold a Bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subjects namely Animal Husbandry Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, Forestry or in Engineering of any of Universities.
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Union Public Sevice Commission notification announced for the post of Scientific Officer. All interested and eligible candidates can apply online by 16 November 2017. Post wise vacancies are Scientific Officer (Chemical) 9 Posts and Scientific Officer (Non-Destructive) 4 Posts. The probation period is 2 years.
Scientific Officer (Chemical):
Master’s Degree in Chemistry or Master’s Degree in Microbiology or Degree in Chemical Technology or degree in Chemical Engineering. One year’s experience in an analytical or Chemical Testing Laboratory or one year’s Experience of Research Development work or analysis of ores, Minerals, metals or Oil Fuel and various Organic and Inorganic products or paint or polymer materials.
Scientific Officer (Non-Destructive):
Master’s Degree in Physics or Degree in Electrical Engineering or Degree in Mechanical Engineering or Metallurgy. One year’s experience in Non – destructive testing Laboratory or one year’s experience in X-Ray Diffraction or investigation work on failure Engineering Material by Non-destructive and metallographic methods of testing.